In addition, we are excited to move to this model in which we have more time to coordinate and develop synergies between EER and all of NAGT's other professional development programming. The extended timeline gives us the opportunity to host a high-quality meeting that also makes best use of the financial resources, dedicated staff, and generous volunteers that make the meeting run. Spinning Earth Live Wallpaper posted in Sci-fi category and original resolution is 3840x2160. We will host the 2024 EER in Philadelphia as planned, and then the next EER will be in 2026 and every other year thereafter. Starting in 2024, the EER will move to an every-other-year schedule. This clip art animation shows an animated earth rotating around its axis. Based on what we've learned, NAGT is adapting our approach. earth globe world rotating rotate planet solar-system galaxy astrology spin spinning. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Earth Educators' Rendezvous (EER), and time for us to reflect on what we've learned over the past ten years about running a conference and the evolving needs of the geoscience education community. Exciting changes coming to the Earth Educators' Rendezvous